We’re as invested in your employees as you are.
The Participant experience.
The work you do makes a real difference in the lives of your participants, because equity compensation can help them achieve goals like buying their first home, paying off debt, or financing an education. But administering your plan on top of guiding your participants through their unique journeys is a lot to juggle. We help support your participants so you can keep other balls in the air.
Ways we can help.

Our Participant Experience Video
Our Participant Experience Video
Upbeat music plays throughout.
Onscreen text:
Schwab Stock Plan Services
Our Participant Experience
Narrator [off-screen]: Everyone's equity compensation journey looks different . . .
A young woman who is a Stock Plan Administrator, or SPA, walks down an office corridor, past cubicles. She's carrying a cup of coffee in one hand and a manila folder in the other hand. She sits down in a cubicle.
Narrator: . . . and requires different help for where they are.
The SPA checks messages on the computer on her desk.
Narrator: But that can mean a lot of juggling for you.
The scene transitions to a close-up of her computer screen, displaying a chat window with a conversation.
Onscreen text:
Hi Elena – you can find the information you need for your equity call by logging in to [NM1] your Schwab account.
Onscreen text from client:
Narrator: We make it easy for your participants to manage their own plans, so you can keep other balls in the air.
The scene transitions from the computer screen to show a female executive in her office with a cityscape outside her window. She's multi-tasking—looking at her computer while talking on a cell phone.
Narrator: Your executives with more complicated needs . . .
A close-up of her desk calendar is shown; on it is a handwritten note that says, "Upcoming Trading Window," which she circles.
Narrator: . . .and less time to take care of them . . .
Then the screen on her office phone flashes "Incoming call, Charles Schwab." She picks up the receiver to answer the phone.
Narrator: . . . can get help from our equity specialists . . .
The scene transitions to the hallway outside her office, looking back in through the window. She sits at her desk and talks on the phone.
Narrator: . . . who are experienced with restricted trading, portfolio analysis, and financial planning to help maximize assets.
A young man walks by the executive's office to his cubicle. The SPA meets him at his desk and hands him a manila folder.
Narrator: Easy-to-follow instructions help your new employees set up their account online.
The scene transitions to a close-up of the computer screen on the man's desk, where the Schwab Equity Award Center welcome screen displays. On the screen is a button that reads, "Open an account."
The Equity Award Center is where all your employees—both domestic and international—can find educational resources . . .
Zooming in closer, a cursor arrow moves to and hovers over an "Education" tab.
Narrator: . . . to help them understand your plan and their options.
The scene transitions to a coffee shop, where a bearded young man wearing glasses and a flowery shirt sits at a table, looking at a laptop screen. In his hand is a coffee cup with a green, eco-friendly looking logo. Around him, other customers are drinking coffee or looking at laptops.
Narrator: Their dashboard offers a bird's-eye view of their equity . . .
A close-up of the man's laptop screen displays, showing his Schwab dashboard and all of his accounts and positions, including Stock Slices®.
Onscreen text:
Charles Schwab
Stock Slices
Green Energy Co.
Big Dipper Aerospace
Narrator: . . . as well as other accounts they may have, like checking, trading accounts, and personalized investments . . .
The scene transitions to a street view of the coffeeshop. Through the window can be seen the man in the flowery shirt, looking at his laptop. Above the window a sign says, "Eco coffee," and next to the coffee shop door is a sign that reads, "Save the Planet!
Narrator: . . . in the things they're interested in.
A woman on a bike passes by.
Narrator: On our mobile app, they can accept grants, receive statements . . .
The scene transitions to the biker, just as she has gotten off her bike and is looking at her cell phone.
A close-up of her phone shows she is checking her Schwab account.
Onscreen text:
Stocks & ETFs
Coma Company A
Day's Range
Buy Sell Sell Short
Clear Review
Narrator: . . . and even place commission-free trades from wherever they are.
The scene transitions from the phone to a collage of the several people who have appeared in the video so far: the woman on her bike, the young man in the office, the executive in her office, the man in the coffee shop, and, in the center, the SPA at her laptop.
Narrator: And automatic reminders let everyone know of key events, like upcoming vesting dates, blackouts, and expiring options. Because a good experience for them can mean a good day for you.
A close-up of the SPA now takes up the whole screen. She shuts her laptop and closes her eyes, a satisfied look on her face.
Narrator: Let's chat about how Stock Plan Services can make your life easier.
Music stops.
Schwab brand music plays.
Onscreen text:
Let’s chat.
The Charles Schwab logo appears.
Onscreen text:
Own your tomorrow
Schwab Stock Plan Services provides equity compensation plan services and other financial plan services to corporations and executives through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"). Schwab, a registered broker-dealer, offers brokerage and custody services to its consumers.
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"). All rights reserved. Member SIPC. (0822-2CG1)
Tune in to our participant experience.
We've tried to think of everything your participants would need to engage with their equity—from an all-in-one dashboard to automatic notifications and round-the-clock service and support. Learn how we connect it all to help make your life and your participants' lives easier.
Ready to take the next step?
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We help all of your participants make confident financial decisions.
Help for your participants—all of them.
Whether they’re entry level and new to equity compensation or they’re top-level executives with complicated needs, we’ll help them make confident financial decisions.
Automated messages keep them in the loop.
We handle automated reminders with important information related to their account, like vesting dates, relevant milestones, and equity plan rules—so you don’t have to.
The right help at the right time.
Learn what we mean by "financial wellness" and how we meet your participants where they are, with resources that make sense for them and their journey.