There are many options for reporting in EquiView. Let's take a look.
The reports are organized by topic in the main trays visible here along the left hand side.
For participant level or grant award level data, the activity transactional tray is where you'll start.
I want to pause so you can notice the main trays include different sub trays, which allow you to obtain more specifically targeted information.
The icon to the left of each subtray is letting you know additional reports can be found within that topic.
So when I click activity reports here, there are many other sub-trays, or sub-topics I guess I should say, available within there.
Clicking on notification statements, if you're looking for participant related statements or notifications, you would find them here in this tray.
For corporate plan summary information, this is where you would start. Perhaps you need to reconcile your share activity; the plan summary report is the place to begin.
If you have a dividend equivalent rights, the activity and corporate level information can be reported from this tray.
And if you offer Employee Stock Purchase Plans or ESPP, the participant and corporate reports can be found here.
The saved report output tray is where customized reports will be stored. Let's take a closer look at one of the reports. I'll go back up to the top and choose the participant activity report.
At the top of the report screens, you will see the 'Quick-find' or filter capabilities here.
And just to the right of the 'Quick-search' is where you can define how you would like the data to be delivered—on screen or maybe in a particular format.
Moving again to the right, we see the green 'Run Report' button as well as the 'Save Template' button, which allows you to save your configured report to run again as needed.
I'm going to go ahead and click 'Run Report.'
And we can see the report results are displayed in the next section on the screen.
We can leverage this 'Expand Grid'—I only have one record here, but if there was a lot of data available, we could leverage this 'Expand Grid'—to use more of the screen to review the results.
We'll go over report customization in the next video.
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